Moyer Group Wealth Management

Our Impact

Moyer Group Wealth Management

Financial Advisor

About Us

Whether planning to build a home by the lake or help your daughter launch a business, you need a well-conceived plan in order to succeed. Pursuing financial independence is no different. Whether you’re looking to build your money over time, generate income in retirement or preserve wealth for future generations, confidence in your financial plan comes with knowing your assets are properly invested. As your knowledgeable partner, we provide wide-ranging, comprehensive financial planning with which to chart a detailed course for pursuing a bright and confident future.

Our disciplined planning process accounts for your short- and long-term goals, your tolerance for risk and your stage of life, while also keeping a watchful eye on today’s complex domestic and global markets. In our experience, that’s the best way to customize a comprehensive, diversified portfolio that is flexible enough to meet your needs now and in the years to come.

Our financial plans offer a high degree of personalization that matches your investments to your goals and ability to take on risk. We analyze each potential opportunity to find just the right ones for you, your family and your goals, while also helping to manage your liabilities so you feel confident in your complete financial picture.

The result is a financial plan that is as dynamic, vibrant and enduring as the lifetime of achievement it represents. Simply put, we believe our business is people and their financial well-being, and we are as committed to your success as you are.

Rep/Contact Info

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View Personal Bio
Jessica Bloebaum
Financial Advisor

The Chamber is instrumental in connecting local business owners of all types, generating valuable collaborations among a diverse group of people who share a sincere desire to support each other and help our communities prosper.



Having an organization that has their finger on the pulse of the local business community is invaluable and one that we do not take for granted. To support this expanding network of businesses, the Chamber provides seminars and workshops both virtual and in person to help leaders grow their business.





P.O. BOX 702
NEWARK, OH 43058
PHONE 740.345.9757

© 2024 Licking County Chamber of Commerce