Manufacturing Day Celebration
Help us celebrate Ohio’s largest industry and sign up to attend our Manufacturing Day Celebration!
The Licking County Chamber of Commerce Manufacturers’ Council is hosting “Manufacturing Day Celebration 2023” on Wednesday, October 4 at The Reese Center on the campus of Ohio State at Newark/COTC.
Please join us for breakfast and a short program featuring a keynote address from an expert in Artificial Intelligence, local manufacturing panelists, a legislative update, and a time for Q & A.
At the conclusion of our program, all high school students in our area have been invited by Central Ohio Technical College (COTC), and Career and Technology Education Centers (CTEC), to participate in an expo with our manufacturing partners.
7:15 AM Registration
7:30 AM Breakfast
8:00 AM Welcome and remarks - Lieutenant Governor, Jon Husted
9:00 AM Keynote - Chief Technology Officer at Singularity University, Ty Henkaline
9:30 AM Panel discussion on AI
9:50 AM Update - Central Ohio Manufacturing Partners
10:00 AM Local update and Q & A - President & CEO, Heath-Newark-Licking Co. Port Authority, Rick Platt
10:30-12:00 High School Student Manufacturing Expo
Date and Time
Wednesday Oct 4, 2023
7:30 AM - 10:30 AM EDT
The Reese Center
The Ohio State University at Newark/
Central Ohio Technical College
1209 University Drive
Newark, Ohio
No cost to attend
Contact Information
Carrie Lonzo
Send Email

P.O. BOX 702
NEWARK, OH 43058
PHONE 740.345.9757