YLLC March Madness Meet Up
Back for a third year, we’re very excited for our March Madness event! This year we’re shaking it up and encouraging you to rep your favorite college basketball team. Wear your team’s gear AND bring a Food Pantry donation to receive a free drink ticket. This year’s March Madness event will be at DankHouse from 4:00-7:00pm. This event is free to attend, but DankHouse has confirmed there will be a food truck for you to purchase dinner at your own cost.
Please contact Amelia Hitchens ahitchens@lickingcountychamber.com, or Young Leaders Event Chair, Caileigh Barker caileigh.h.barker@huntington.com, if you have any questions about this or any YLLC event.
Date and Time
Friday Mar 22, 2024
4:00 PM - 7:00 PM EDT
Come by any time between 4-7pm
161 Forry St, Newark, OH 43055
Free to attend
Rep your favorite college basketball team & bring a Food Pantry donation to recieve one free drink ticket.
Purchase additional drinks at your own cost.
There will be a food truck for you to make your own food purchases.
Contact Information
Amelia Hitchens
Send Email

P.O. BOX 702
NEWARK, OH 43058
PHONE 740.345.9757