YLLC Targets & Tacos
Get ready for a fun evening with Young Leaders! For just a $10 admission fee, you'll have access to the range. Firearm rentals and ammunition are available for a separate cost. After the range, we'll trade firearms for forks and head to Mariposa for a delicious dinner! Whether you're planning a unique date night or simply seeking an excuse to bond with other Young Leaders, this event is sure to be a great time.
LIMITED CAPACITY - This is definitely an event you'll want to register early for!
Attendees must complete liability form. Amelia will be sending that link out, or you can find it on the BSC website: https://buckeyeshootingcenter.com/
Must be a current YLLC member to attend.
Questions, or need help registering? Contact Amelia ahitchens@lickingcountychamber.com
Date and Time
Saturday Mar 2, 2024
4:00 PM - 7:00 PM EST
We have the shooting range from 4-5pm and will head to Mariposa after that. BSC recommends arriving 15 minutes early to get everyone organized.
Buckeye Shooting Center
Mariposa Mexican
Shooting range fee: $10
Ammunition and firearms can be purchased at your own expense.
Dinner at Mariposa at your own expense.

P.O. BOX 702
NEWARK, OH 43058
PHONE 740.345.9757